Salalah Entrepreneurship Conference Discusses Use of AI in Sustainable Development

Salalah: The “Entrepreneurship, Employment and Localization Policies” conference, organised by the Ministry of Labour in Salalah, will discuss the role of entrepreneurship in sustainable economic diversification and development of non-oil sectors in the Sultanate of Oman, as part of the two-day “Together We Work…Together We Innovate and Prosper” business forum.

The conference, which opened today under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Salem bin Mustahail Al Mashani, Advisor at the Diwan of Royal Court, also discusses the use of artificial intelligence as a tool for planning and sustainable development. Nasser bin Salem Al Hadhrami, Director General of Labor in Dhofar Governorate, said: The conference aims to highlight the importance of localization for the national economy, discuss the impact of technological developments on entrepreneurship, and how to prepare entrepreneurs for the rapid changes in the work environment.

He added: The Ministry of Labor emphasizes the importance of investing in the human element, keeping pace with technological developments, anticipating the future, and building a prosperous economy based on knowledge and innovation. It is keen to integrate its partners from government agencies and private sector establishments into this approach. Continuous cooperation and innovation from all parties and the formation of strong professional networks are an inevitable requirement to achieve the ambitious vision seeking to create a decent work environment for all.

He explained that the conference carries connotations that reflect the importance of entrepreneurship in driving the development process towards broad horizons, as localizing jobs is a national duty and an investment in our youth, strengthening their national identity and enabling them to contribute to building the future of the country. Entrepreneurship and localization policies are also two basic pillars for achieving sustainable development.

The conference included two dialogue sessions on its first day, the first entitled “The Importance of Localizing Jobs for the National Economy,” while the second dialogue session reviewed successful models of the experience of localizing jobs in the private sector. The conference will also include the presentation of a set of working papers, including “Freelance Work and Its Impact on Increasing Employment Opportunities,” “National Employment Policy,” and “Omanization Experience in Oman Oil Development Company.”

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