Samail Industrial City localizes 15 projects in first half of 2023

Samail:  Samail Industrial City, affiliated to the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates “Madayn”, achieved remarkable growth in performance indicators during the first half of 2023, as it was able to sign 15 contracts to localize projects on an area of ​​100,000 square meters, with an investment volume up to 13.5 million Omani riyals.

The total number of localized projects in the industrial city reached 156 projects, 94 of which are in the production stage, 43 projects are under construction, and 19 projects are in the mapping stage, employing 2600 workers.

Eng. Yasser bin Ibrahim Al-Ajmi, Acting Director General of Samail Industrial City, said: “Madayn” continues to implement a group of vital projects in the industrial city, most notably the project of the medical fitness examination building, in which the completion rate has reached 90 percent, and the continuation of the implementation of the complementary works project for the Industrial city, which includes the duplication of the street leading to the city and linking it to the highway, where the completion rate in this project is 98 percent, as well as linking the septic tank of the second phase to the first phase, in which the completion rate exceeds 98 percent.

In a statement to Oman News Agency, he added that the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates “Madayn” has divided Samail Industrial City into several sectors, including the foodstuff sector with an occupancy rate of more than 17 percent, the logistics sector with an occupancy rate of more than 34 percent, and the building materials sector with an occupancy rate of more than 26 percent.

The iron and wood sector has an occupancy rate of more than 60 percent, the plastic and paper sector has an occupancy rate of more than 85 percent, and the marble sector has an occupancy rate of more than 78 percent, in addition to the “entrepreneurs” sector for owners of small and medium enterprises, whose occupancy rate currently exceeds 34 percent. He pointed out that the most important investment opportunities for which initial feasibility studies are available in Samail Industrial City are represented in the sectors of dairy and juice manufacturing, manufacturing and packaging of date products, making breakfast cereals, manufacturing and calcining dolomite, making waterproofing insulators, making copper bars and sheets, making plaster, making Electrical connectors, glazed ceramics, heating, air conditioning and ventilation devices, electrical switches, marble products, and prefabricated buildings.

The Acting General Manager of Samail Industrial City stated that Samail Industrial City, in cooperation with partners, started marketing for the services building, whose total area exceeds 16 thousand square meters, and with a rental area of ​​more than 12 thousand square meters, as the building was designed to provide the best service to accommodate the requirements of the market and provide various Facilities for workers in the city, which is complementary to the infrastructure and services, and consists of (8) floors, where the ground and first floors are allocated for commercial purposes, while the other floors are for offices and telecommunications companies, and the building also includes various facilities and services, indicating that the service center is “Masar” in the city Samail Industrial aims to raise the level of services provided to investors by accelerating and simplifying procedures, strengthening relations with partners to provide integrated services to the investor, as well as strengthening the relationship with the investor in a way that provides a safe business environment, in addition to providing accurate statistical data for investors.

He said that the center is an investment window with a unified system to facilitate and simplify the procedures for the investor to obtain all approvals, permits and licenses necessary for his investment project at one stop and for a specific period of time, in order to form a system of integrated services that the investor needs to create and create added value for an attractive business environment for investments in the Sultanate of Oman.

The center also contributes to the follow-up of stalled projects, in addition to providing the center with value-added services such as consulting, financing and banking, medical examination, mail, marketing and promotion.

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