Saudi Tourism offices to promote the Khareef season

Salalah: The General Directorate of Heritage and Tourism in Dhofar Governorate concluded today the introductory visit of a number of tourism offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the governorate to introduce its tourism components and promote the Dhofar Khareef season 2023, in cooperation with the management of Alila Resort, Hino Mirbat and Saudi Flynas, and it lasted for 4 days.

Marwan bin Abdul Hakim Al-Ghassani, Director of the Promotion Department at the General Directorate of Heritage and Tourism in Dhofar Governorate, said that the organization of this introductory visit came as a result of the efforts made by the ministry with tourism partners to promote the Dhofar autumn season, in addition to the mobile promotional workshops that were organized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia targeting the Saudi market due to the growth in the number of visitors and the presence of 13 weekly direct flights from Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam.

He added that the ministry is cooperating and coordinating with tourism sector partners throughout the season to prepare packages of attractive tourism offers.

Dhofar Governorate is one of the tourist destinations in the region, where services are available, including roads linking tourist sites and water springs, which are among the famous tourist attractions in the governorate. Road construction and maintenance works have been carried out to provide a safe and integrated structure with urban and economic development.

It should be noted that flynas operates direct flights from three Saudi cities –  Riyadh – Jeddah – Dammam  at a rate of 12 to 13 flights per week, after its first experience in the Khareef season  last year, which included three flights per week from Riyadh with a total of more than 4,400 visitors to Dhofar Governorate.

The number of visitors to the Khareef Dhofar season in 2022 was about 813,000 visitors and tourists, compared to 767,000 visitors during the 2019 season, according to the National Center for Statistics and Information.

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