Sayyid Bilarab chairs 3rd meeting of Omani Startups Programme’s Supervisory Committee

Muscat: The Supervisory Committee of “Promising Omani Startups Programme” today held its 3rd meeting of 2023 under the chairmanship of HH Sayyid Bilarab bin Haitham Al Said, Honorary President of the Promising Omani Startups Programme.

The meeting was in pursuance of steps to follow up the progress made in the programme’s plans and initiatives aimed at activating the system of startups based on technology and innovation in Oman.

The meeting looked into means of contributing to fostering the culture of startups in educational institutions, enhancing community awareness of their importance, empowering those with innovative ideas, supporting the establishment of startup firms in this field and linking them to business opportunities.

The meeting also explored investment and financing opportunities in local and global markets, in addition to means of improving Oman’s ranking in international indicators related to innovation, technology and ease of doing business.

The committee reviewed a vision for establishing the National Centre for Entrepreneurship to serve as an interactive space that attracts and encourages young entrepreneurs, patent owners and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with the prime aim of accelerating business growth and introducing startup products and services in local and global markets.

The committee discussed a strive to contribute to sustainable development and groom a generation that is well-versed in the fields of innovation and knowledge-economies, a generation that keeps pace with the requirements of technical transformation in all fields.

It exchanged views about means of spreading awareness about the importance of supporting emerging projects for various groups. It also discussed an initiative to introduce business subjects in curricula of educational institutions, among other issues.

HH Sayyid Bilarab toured an exhibition showcasing models of eight Omani startups, their services and products based on innovation and their patents. – ONA

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