Screening of Omani documentary “The Zig” at the Arab Film Festival in South Korea

Seoul: The documentary film “The Zig” is participating in the 12th edition of the Arab Film Festival, which is organized by the Korean-Arab Society in South Korea, among ten films selected from nine Arab countries, namely: Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Algeria and Jordan. Egypt, Qatar, Palestine, and the Sultanate of Oman.

The film “Al-Zij” was shown in the Korean city of “Busan” in the past few days, and the film will also be shown on the 3rd and 6th of August in the capital, “Seoul”. This is the first participation of Omani films in this festival, which was launched in 2008.

Salah Al-Hadrami, director of the film “The Zig”, said: “I am happy with this participation in this session of the festival, and this is a source of pride for the work team, as there were no previous participations of Omani films in the previous editions of this festival, and I congratulate the work crew on this achievement.” The film “Al Zij” is a long documentary film produced by the Omani Film Society.

The film deals with the Omani man’s connection to the profession of cultivation and manufacture of sugar cane and the results of its manufacture, which mixed between pleasure and difficulties. It clarifies the nutritional and economic value, the social impact, and how to accept change and modernization, while clarifying and emphasizing some important aspects of sugar cane.

Before his competent authorities, where the director was able to present it in a beautiful cinematic way, and it is mentioned that the film won a number of local and international awards, and it was also chosen for display in a number of local and international events; This is to introduce the culture of the Omani society.

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