Second engineering forum under ‘Arab Architecture’ in Salalah from September 3

Salalah: The Omani Society of Engineers, in cooperation with the Dhofar Municipality in the Wilayat of Salalah, will organize the second engineering forum under the theme “Arab Architecture” during the period from September 3 to 4, with the participation of a group of experts and specialists in the field of architecture from inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.

The forum’s activities deal with three main axes based on the role of Arab architecture in social and environmental challenges, the impact of culture and identity on the architectural design process, and the role of technology and innovation in developing architectural projects in the Arab world.

The forum seeks to enhance interaction and cultural and knowledge exchange between engineers and specialists in the field of architecture through discussing workshops and dialogue sessions that will be held throughout the mentioned period.

This event comes in the context of efforts to enhance effective communication and cooperation between the various stakeholders in this field, and the selection of Salalah to host the forum reflects the importance of the region in the field of architecture, as it has a rich cultural heritage and traditional architecture that expresses Arab identity.

The forum is an opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge and review the latest developments in this vital field. It also constitutes an important step towards enhancing the role of architecture in sustainable development, and reflects the commitment of the association and the Dhofar Municipality to promoting innovative and sustainable trends in the field of architectural design.

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