Sharakah empowers aspiring future leaders with ‘Calculate it Right’ workshop at A’Sharqiyah University

Muscat: The “Calculate it Right” workshop organised by Sharakah, Oman’s foremost entrepreneurship development company, received an overwhelming response from participants. The workshop took place at A’Sharqiyah University and attracted a diverse group, including SMEs in the Al Sharqiyah governorate and senior undergraduate students pursuing degrees in finance, accounting, economy, and business management at A’Sharqiyah University.

Crafted with care, the comprehensive workshop series aims to provide aspiring business owners, startups, small entrepreneurs, and college students with indispensable financial management skills crucial for their triumph in the business world.

Faris Al Harthi, Senior Project Specialist at Sharakah who conducted the workshop said, “The response to the workshop at A’Sharqiyah University acknowledges the significance of such initiatives. The “Calculate it Right” workshop series exemplifies Sharakah’s multifaceted approach in empowering and equipping small businesses in Oman to thrive.”

The first workshop was held in Nizwa on May 9 and several workshops across different governorates are lined up in the coming months. The highly acclaimed ‘Calculate it Right’ workshops guide participants through an engaging and educational session, providing valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to launch their own businesses. These workshops enable individuals to grasp the precise prerequisites for starting a business and develop a comprehensive understanding of realistic sales projections, project costs, operational expenses, resource requirements, and capital expenditures.

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