Sharakah participates in 32nd edition of COMEX 2023, with focus on tech sector SME development

MUSCAT: Sharakah, the leading entrepreneurship development company in Oman, recently took part in the 32nd edition of COMEX 2023, a highly regarded event organised by OITE in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Information Technology, as well as the Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-Up Unit.

Sharakah, known for its top-notch awareness and support services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), joined forces with COMEX, the ultimate destination for entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, and SME owners in the technology sector. This partnership formed a comprehensive platform that effectively addressed the needs of these individuals and played a vital role in strategizing their future growth and achieving success.

Throughout the COMEX event, Sharakah actively engaged with aspiring SMEs, fostering an ambiance of collaboration, innovation, and boundless possibilities. The first day witnessed an inspiring fusion of ideas, ambition, and progress, as Sharakah set the groundwork for future cooperation. Building upon this foundation, the second day showcased a continued exchange of remarkable ideas, ambition, and progress, with Sharakah persistently creating opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. Together, they further amplified the stage for collaboration, innovation, and limitless potential, solidifying the achievements made on the initial day.

Ali bin Ahmed Muqaibal, CEO of Sharakah, “We seized the opportunity at COMEX to embark on a journey of unlimited prospects. Our team delivered exceptional counseling and awareness services, empowering individuals, organisations, and emerging Omani enterprises. COMEX served as the perfect platform, uniting over 120 local and international enterprises and an astounding 97 start-ups in the technology sector, a remarkable testament to collective achievements.”

One of the notable workshops held during the event was led by Mr. Najeeb Mohamed, the Managing Director of Prime Advertising. This engaging session delved into the realm of media and marketing, providing valuable tips and tactics for success. The workshop took place as part of the enlightening COMEX talks sessions, further enriching the overall experience for participants.

Faris Al Harthy, a Partnership Accredited Trainer from Sharakah, took the lead in facilitating two interactive workshops that delved into the realm of business opportunities within the innovation and technology sector. These engaging sessions provided valuable insights and guidance to participants, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to explore and capitalize on the potential in this rapidly evolving industry.

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