Sharqiyah International Film Festival Continues

Sur: The Cinema and Architecture symposium was launched today at the Youth Preparation Center of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in the Wilayat of Sur as part of the Al Sharqiyah International Film Festival. Local and the complementary role between cinema and architecture through ancient buildings such as castles and forts.

The symposium also presented the experience of the Lebanese cinema in caring for the artistic installations presented by the Lebanese director and actor “Kassem Istanbuli” by working on restoring the “Ampire” theaters in Tripoli, Lebanon, and restoring the cultural and artistic activities in them.

It is worth noting that the first day of the festival witnessed the screening of 21 short films that participated in the festival’s narrative and documentary competition themes and Omani architecture at the Sur Plaza Hotel.

On the sidelines of the screenings, the Saudi cinema experience in producing feature films and marketing them to global viewing platforms was reviewed through the film “Forty Years and One Nights” directed by Muhammad Hillel.

The director, “Adnan Belais”, presented a workshop on writing the script for the short narrative film, in which he dealt with how to obtain and write cinematic ideas, the method of writing the script, and the stages of the short film before and after implementation.

The dialogue session with the Kuwaiti artist “Saad Al-Faraj” received wide interest from the audience of the festival, stressing the importance of the presence of artists on social media so that they can continue their path and follow everything that develops. At the present time, there is no difference between premium work and regular work.

The festival organized a dialogue session with the Jordanian artist, “Suhair Fahd,” who talked about her artistic activity, her interest in cinema and television, and their role in upbringing through the works in which the artist starred, such as the children’s series “Captain Majid,” in which she performed the voice of the character Majed.


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