Social Responsibility, Sustainability Partners Forum 2023 Kicks off in Salalah

Salalah: Activities of the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Partners Forum 2023 kicked off today in Salalah.

Titled “Principles of the UN Global Accord: Responsibility and Sustainable Development”, the two-day forum is organized by Al Roya newspaper and the Regional Network for Social Responsibility.

The event was held under the auspices of HH Sayyid Marwan Turki Al Said, Governor of Dhofar. It was attended by experts, specialists and representatives of UN offices in the Middle East.

HH Sayyid Marwan said that the forum constitutes a worthwhile addition to Khareef Dhofar (monsoon season) events this year. He added that the forum’s themes are in line with the priorities and goals of Oman Vision 2040.

Speeches during the forum focused on the significance of companies and institutions’ observing the principles of the UN global accord on sustainable development, grooming a generation that is capable of thinking and resolving problems and granting companies an opportunity to develop their competitive advantages.

The participants also outlined a number of social responsibility projects. The first day of the forum elaborated on two themes. The first theme dealt with practical standards to advance UN principles in the responsibility and sustainability sector, while the second theme evolved around the role of partners of social responsibility and sustainability.

The forum seeks to introduce sustainable practices that reinforce the principle of corporate citizenship so that the business sector becomes part of solutions aimed at realizing permanent sustainability that aligns with future visions and plans.

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