Sohar Festival attracts over 145000 visitors

Sohar: The Sohar Festival is witnessing a large turnout of visitors, as it has exceeded 145,000 visitors since its launch on November 18, with a variety of public activities for the festival distributed in different places in the Sohar Entertainment Center.

His Excellency Mohammed bin Suleiman Al Kindi, Governor of North Al Batinah and Chairman of the Main Committee of the Sohar Festival, told Oman News Agency (ONA) that the festival held in the Wilayat of Sohar seeks to be part of the map of festivals in the Sultanate of Oman and to shed light on it and link that later to local investments and promote them within the vital and attractive areas and investment opportunities in the Sultanate. In addition to providing an innovative mental image of the festival and attracting visitors, families and individuals from inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.

His Excellency indicated that the committee has set a program for the festival’s visitors during the next 4 days, commensurate with the National Day holiday and the weekend, as it is scheduled to hold more than 35 events suitable for all visitors to the festival, including families and children, including 15 activities in the Heritage Village and the Productive Families Exhibition. 12 events in external entertainment programs, in addition to 8 activities in the children’s theater, and events accompanying the main screen to broadcast the World Cup matches, which include lyrical and musical activities, poetry evenings, and plastic arts exhibitions.

His Excellency Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al Kindi, Governor of North Al Batinah, stated that the festival has so far achieved the goals set by the committee, the most important of which is providing temporary job opportunities for job seekers and providing an appropriate opportunity for productive families to market and promote their products and projects.

It is worth noting that the festival, since its inauguration, witnessed a large number of visitors, who enjoyed nearly 200 activities that were implemented until yesterday, which varied between folklore groups, children’s theater performances, lyrical and poetic performances, as well as live and traditional performances, competitions, juggling and enthusiastic performances.

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