Sohar Freezone signs agreement to establish industrial waste recycling plant in Sohar Free Zone

Sohar Port and Free Zone signs a land lease agreement with Elite System for Hazardous Waste Management Company; To establish an industrial waste recycling plant in the Sohar Free Zone, with a total investment of $3.5 million.

This partnership aims to enhance waste management practices in the region, and to promote sustainability and the circular economy sector in Sohar Port and Free Zone. The plant, which will cover an area of ​​10,000 square metres, has the capacity to process various types of waste generated by industries, and will ensure compliance with local and international regulations and legislation to provide a pollution-free environment.

The plant will also produce several end products, including heavy oil for use in slow-moving machinery, and low-pollution carbon dust suitable for the cement products and road construction industries. The initial production capacity is 40 tons per day, which is expected to be increased to 80 tons per day within one year.

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