Sohar Port and FreeZone signs agreements to empower SMEs in maritime transport sector

Sohar: Sohar Port and FreeZone signed three agreements with a number of companies operating in the maritime field, to provide marine services for ships entering the port, in a step towards enabling sustainable growth for small and medium enterprises and promoting entrepreneurial spirit.

The agreements were concluded with: Al-Raisia ​​Company for Navigation and Trade Services, the Gulf Comprehensive Company for Land and Marine Services, and the National Company for Marine Services. Services to be provided by these companies include: hull cleaning, underwater surveying, underwater repairs, mooring restoration, and much more.

This cooperation opens up horizons for achieving in-country value and developing suppliers by creating new opportunities for small and medium enterprises to provide high-quality services to ships while reducing maintenance costs and increasing consumption efficiency.

Butti Al-Shibli, port manager at Sohar Port and Free Zone, explained that the agreements come within the port’s vision of creating a comprehensive maritime system by empowering local companies, supporting the growth of small and medium enterprises, and promoting sustainable shipping practices. Pointing out that these agreements will improve the quality of marine services provided at the port.

Ishaq Al Shukaili, Acting Vice-President of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, Assistant Director of the In-Country Value Department at the Authority, said: This strategic cooperation holds great promises in strengthening the maritime transport sector and contributing to the economic development of the Sultanate of Oman, stressing that this step will enhance the presence of companies in market and contribute to the growth of the maritime transport industry in the Sultanate of Oman.

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