SQNA gets authorization to issue eligibility certificate in safety training

Al Musanaa: The Sultan Qaboos Naval Academy of Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) has obtained accreditation from the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology to issue the “Certificate of Eligibility in Basic Safety Training”.

The go-ahead was granted in accordance with the criteria of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978.

The ministry has approved a number of Omani doctors at Said bin Sultan Naval Base to conduct examinations for sailors. The physicians are authorized to issue the prescribed medical examination certificate.

The accreditation reflects RNO’s keenness to ensure that its personnel obtain proper qualification and ongoing knowledge that is updated in accordance with international laws.

The certificate affirms its holder’s competence and capability to perform salvage tasks related to ships and crew, including basic skills needed to deal with, report and respond to marine emergencies.

The naval safety training course covers personal survival techniques, first aid skills, fire prevention, combat abilities, personal safeguards and social responsibility. – ONA

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