SQU Council Holds Fourth Meeting of Academic Year

Muscat: The Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) Council today held its 4th meeting of the current academic year (2022-2023) under the chairmanship of HH Sayyid Dr. Fahd bin Al Julanda Al Said, Vice Chancellor of SQU, Deputy Chairman of the SQU Council.

The Council was briefed about the progress made in various courses of action at the university, including the implementation of decisions and recommendations during previous meetings.

The Council endorsed a number of decisions, including the amendment of regulations on the placement of Omanis in academic positions. It also looked into a proposal on two annual budget drafts, for the SQU and the University Hospital, during fiscal year 2024.

The SQU Council took note of the efforts made within the framework of the second executive plan (2021-2025) of the university’s strategy 2016-2040. The plan envisages elevating the university’s status in global rankings.

The Council also studied additional standards introduced by QS World University Ranking Organization, as part of performance indices set for the year 2024. The Council considered conducting an analysis of the outcome of the university’s performance, as well as major factors of significance to the rating.

The Council was briefed about the university’s efforts to replenish its financial resources and accomplish the desired standard of financial sustainability. This is considered within the context of a strategic project titled “Augmenting and diversifying the University’s Financial Resources”. The project keeps pace with national trends and priorities of the forthcoming stage.

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