Sultan Qaboos University ranks 454 in QS World University Rankings 2024


Sultan Qaboos University has ranked 454 globally according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Ranking 2024.

This classification is one of the most important classifications for evaluating universities worldwide, and Sultan Qaboos University has entered this classification since 2015.

This came in announcing the (QS) classification yesterday night about the results of its evaluation for the year 2024 , as this year three new criteria were added to the evaluation, which are the sustainability index, the employment output index, and the international research network index.

In its second executive plan 2021-2025 within the strategic plan 2016-2040, the university seeks to raise its position in the global rankings, and the additional standards developed by the QS ranking organization within the performance indicators for the year 2024, with an analysis of the results of the university’s performance and the most important factors affecting it, ups and downs. In addition to increasing the integrity on the possibilities of the university’s anging in global classification, and interest in a greater way in the research aspects and the development of graduates and their keeping pace with the work of a continuous change, in addition to the continued restoration of the view in the different academic graduates and their development and making them more vibrant and able to confront variables.

Sultan Qaboos University also seeks to accredit these programs in various faculties, from prestigious and internationally known accreditation institutions.

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