Sultan Qaboos University succeeds in running bus on pure biodiesel

Muscat: Sultan Qaboos University succeeds in running bus on pure biodiesel 

The Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) succeeded in operating a trip onboard Oman National Transport Company “Mwasalat” bus powered by date palm biodiesel. The fuel was extracted at SQU laboratories.

The trip was flagged off by SQU Vice-Chancellor HH Sayyid Dr. Fahd bin Al Julanda Al Said.

The trip, which kicked off from the SQU Cultural Centre in Al Khoudh, travelled along Sultan Qaboos Street and arrived at Al Alam Palace and back to the starting point.

The project constitutes a scholarly research spearheaded SQU team comprising Dr. Lamia Adnan Al Haj, Associate Professor at the College of Science, and Dr. Alia Hamid Al Muhtasib, Deputy Director of Sustainable Energy Research Centre at SQU.

The project seeks to produce commercially competitive biofuel extracted from date palm kernels using an innovative recyclable chemical catalyst. It also opens inroads in the drive to cut down carbon emissions, find renewable and sustainable sources for economic and social growth and strike a balance between goals of sustainable development and climate change limitations.

The project benefits from clean technology to achieve sustainable development and forge a diversified blend of renewable energy sources to help meet the targets of Oman Vision 2040.

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