Summer program begins in North Al Batinah

Sohar: The activities of the summer program for students of North Al Batinah Governorate schools began for this year, entitled “Summer of Vision and Building”, under the auspices of His Excellency Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Busaidi, Wali of Sohar, Acting Governor of North Al Batinah, and it will continue until July 20.

Saif bin Harib Al Ghafri, Acting Director General of the Directorate General of Education in North Al Batinah Governorate, said: This year, the number of summer centers was expanded to include all the governorate’s wilayats. (1200) male and female students, and this expansion came as a result of the demand.

He added that the program aims to take advantage of the students’ free time during their summer vacation by entering these summer centers and benefiting from the training and practical courses and programs offered in them according to a schedule prepared for each summer center, in addition to providing the participating students with new skills with an educational return in innovation, science, computer and artificial intelligence, and robot, as well as educational lectures and accompanying workshops provided by government and private institutions.

Issa bin Saif Al Shamsi, head of the local committee for the summer program in North Al Batinah, said that the summer centers have been determined at a rate of two centers for each state, one for male students and the other for female students, with (100) students in each center, as the center includes 4 halls to carry out training courses with a total of (160) hours. training for each of the 12 centers.

He added that this year’s summer program focused on practical and skill training courses, plastic arts, handicrafts and handicrafts, as well as specialized courses in the fields of photography, Arabic calligraphy, smart phone applications, home farming, scouting skills, entrepreneurship, scientific innovations and others.

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