Supermoon to light up Oman skies on first August 2023

A pair of supermoons are expected to light up the skies around the world in August.

Astronomer Youssef Al-Salmi, owner of Al-Hawqain Observatory said that the sky of the Sultanate of Oman and the Gulf countries will witness the  supermoon phenomenon tomorrow, Tuesday.

Al-Salmi added: The moon will rise right after sunset and stay until dawn, and the moon will be about 360,000 km from the earth, which is considered the closest distance and is called perihelion, and therefore the moon will appear as if it is larger than its usual size.

He also pointed out that this period of the Hijri month is the period of the full moon, and this phenomenon does not occur until it is complete, as it will appear in its usual color, but it will be more bright.

About the period of the moon’s stay, Al-Salmi explained that it will continue until dawn on Wednesday, stressing that there are no effects from this phenomenon on the ground or on anything else.

Al-Salmi called photographer to take photos to capture this beautiful astronomical event and document it through their various lenses, and for lovers of astronomical phenomena to watch and follow them, as the recurrence of this phenomenon will be next December.

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