“Sustainability of resources in light of Climate Change” Conference Kicks off

Muscat: Deliberations of the 21st annual conference on “Sustainability of resources in light of climate change and ways to reduce its impacts: An Administrative Vision” began here today under the patronage of Sayyid Saud Hilal Al Busaidi, Governor of Muscat.

The two-day conference is being hosted by the Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Labour, in cooperation with the Arab League’s Arab Administrative Development Organization.

The conference addresses the most important challenges facing life and its sustainability to achieve the goals of sustainable development and the role of civil organizations in this regard, in addition to the digital transformation with a focus on the administrative vision and strategies to benefit from the global digital transformation.

In the first day, the conference includes a working session titled “Strategies for Sustainable Development and their Integration into Environmental Practices and Policies: Purposes in an Arab and International Vision”. The session includes various working papers on Governance Responsive to the Post-Covid 19 Phase, the Importance of Strategic Planning in Climate Change and Resource Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities, and Climate Change Risks and Conflicts: Context and Options.

It also includes papers on Sustainable Development Goals, Actions Achieved and Approval of Laws in Force, Circular Carbon Economy: An Innovative Approach to Sustainability of Natural Resources and Carbon Management and the Impact of the Lack of Transparency and Good Governance on Resource Management.

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