Symposium and exhibition on history of Omani camels concludes in Riyadh

Riyadh: The symposium and exhibition on the history of Omani camels concluded today in Riyadh, which was organized by the Royal Camels, with the initiative and joint cooperation with the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Riyadh.

Humaid bin Ali Al Zarei, Director General of the Royal Camel, said that this symposium contributed to shedding light on many and varied topics in the field of camels in general and Omani camels in particular, and working papers were presented every day enriching information for the attendees about camels, some of which dealt with the scientific axis such as health care and medical services. Camels, while the working papers in the economic axis focused on the contributions of camels to the economy and their returns to Bedouin countries or societies, starting from being a means of transportation to the products they provide such as meat, milk and its derivatives heritage.

The symposium included the presentation of 11 working papers to a number of researchers and specialists in the field of camels. The working papers were divided into five main themes, most notably: the economic theme “Camel Projects and Sustainable Development,” the scientific theme “The Role of Laboratories and Animal Research in Camel Health,” and the historical theme “History of the Camel.” Omani culture”, the social theme “The Importance of Camels in Omani Society”, and the cultural theme “The Cultural Heritage of Camels”.

The closing sessions discussed the cultural theme “The Cultural Heritage of Camels”, through a working paper entitled “Omani Camels in Heritage” by Dr. Abdullah bin Saeed Al Saeedi, trainer at the Institute of Specialized Training at the Ministry of Education, reviewing the presence of camels in eloquent literature, poetry and prose, and mentioning Omani camels in poetry. Popular prose, the most prominent novels and popular proverbs.

In addition to a working paper entitled “Musical Culture Associated with Camels” by Nasser bin Muhammad Al-Naabi, Assistant Director of the Oman Center for Traditional Music at the Diwan of the Royal Court, Editor-in-Chief of Music Magazine. He highlighted the characteristics of the musical culture in the Omani Badia, “Arts Related to Camels”, in addition to reviewing traditional musical styles. Omani “The Omani Bedouin Society as a Model”.

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