Tahloula event held in Oman’s Adam

Adam: The people of the Wilayat of Adam in A’Dakhiliyah Governorate organized the “Tahloula” event for the eighth year in a row, with the participation of more than 1,000 participants.

The event started immediately after the Maghrib prayer in front of the General Council of Al-Busaid in the state, where the voices of the participants rose to cheers in a scene of faith and a mass march to revive the custom of Tahlalah, repeating the phrases of applause, takbeer and praise, reaching the end point in front of the General Council square of Husn Al-Hawashim, passing between the sides of the houses and their voices resounding in the streets.

In regular rows and in a beautiful order, one of the reciters reads to them the well-known words of Al-Tahlulah, and the rest repeat behind him with single phrases that express the children’s joy in this religious event.

The celebration also included reciting a number of songs, as the Children’s Corner of the Omani Women’s Association in the Wilayat of Adam recited a number of heritage paragraphs.

It is worth mentioning that Al-Tahlulah is revived in the first ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah in the various states of the Sultanate of Oman to preserve the cultural heritage and the ancient history that is unique to the Sultanate of Oman and reflects the originality and connection of the Omani person with his environment and society.

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