Tamkeen initiative continues its programs to raise Omanisation rates in the insurance sector in Oman

Muscat: The Capital Market Authority seeks to enhance the role of national human resources in the insurance sector by continuing to support the national initiative “Tamkeen”, which was announced in 2015.

The Authority adopted this ambitious initiative to empower and qualify Omani youth in the technical aspects of the insurance sector and motivate them to develop their skills and capabilities, whether by joining training programs prepared through analyzing sector data that the Authority implements annually, and following up on training programs provided by companies to their employees.

The initiative comes as a studied methodology for implementing replacement operations in technical positions and senior, middle and operational managements with qualified Omani cadres who are able to lead the helm of the sector and develop it to suit the needs of the local market, and enhance the competitiveness of the Sultanate of Oman in the financial and investment sector, which is at the forefront of the goals that the initiative seeks to achieve.

The “Tamkeen” initiative is characterized by providing an attractive environment to attract qualified national cadres in light of the competition in the labor market and contributing to building specialized national expertise in the sector. By retaining national cadres, avoiding depletion of skills, ensuring the quality of national cadres attracted by the sector by ensuring the efficiency of departments specialized in human resources, and ensuring the selection of training programs that meet the needs of the labor market in order to raise the competitive advantage of Omani youth who are qualified to fill technical and administrative positions in the sector. the two sectors.

Until the middle of this year, the “Tamkeen” initiative was able to implement approximately 88 specialized training programs in various technical and administrative fields in the insurance sector, in cooperation with various insurance training institutes and centers, and enabled more than 2,400 employees in the same sector.

The authority emphasized that it is focusing on adopting a training and qualification policy in accordance with the “Tamkeen” initiative to raise Omanisation rates in the three administrative and technical job levels, noting that the total percentage of Omanization in the sector until the middle of this year reached 83.36 percent. It represented 59.73 percent of them in the senior job levels, while in the middle administrative jobs it reached 78.13 percent, while it reached 90.18 percent in the operational jobs.

The authority referred to the continuous efforts in implementing the “Tamkeen” plan for the year 2023 to enhance specialized jobs for qualified Omani employees with high qualifications. Through the implementation of a number of professional certificates, including the Insurance Institute of Law, the Certificate of Associate in Risk Management, and the Certificate of the Third Level of Professional Certificate.

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