Tenders for Promotional Film for Oman announced: MHT

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Best ways to explore Oman as a tourist

Ministry of Heritage and Tourism announces an international tenders for appointing a company to producing a promotional film for the Sultanate of Oman 

-Interested Companies registered with Tender Board (in the mentioned Grade) may obtain Tender documents from the E.Tendering website: https://etendering.tenderboard.gov.om, against non-refundable payment as mentioned above for each set of document.

-Bids are submitted that fulfill the technical conditions and specifications, accompanied by electronic tender bond from a local or International bank registered in Oman not less than (1%) of the bid value, valid for (90) days from the date of its submission.

-The Ministry shall not be obligated to accept the lowest or any other bids. The bid submission period starts after the end of the inquiry period shown in the e-tendering system, until the last date for submitting bids before (10:00 am, Oman time).

Support and inquiries

For more information, related to the tender, kindly communicate through the website of the e-tendering system: https:// etendering.tenderboard.gov.om

For inquiries related to the technical support for the e-tendering system, kindly communicate through etenderhd@ita. gov.om or 24402200

For further information

Email : [email protected], Phones : 22088348 – 22088085

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