Tenders issued for Raysut – Mughsayl road dualisation and LNG Roundabout to Bilad Sur Roundabout

Muscat: The General Secretariat of the Tender Board announces in coordination with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology issued two tenders for the (Raysut – Al Mughsayl) dualisation road project and the remaining works of the dualisation road project from the LNG Roundabout to Bilad Sur Roundabout in the Wilayat of Sur in the South A’Sharqiyah Governorate.

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology stated that the Raysut – Al Mughsayl road dualisation project with a length of 27 km starts from the Raysut roundabout in the Raysut area near the port of Salalah, and ends near the popular houses in the Al Mughsayl area in Salalah.

The level of service will be raised to a dual carriageway (two lanes in each direction). The scope of works also includes linking the dual carriageway with November 18th Road (the Ring Road) with a double lane of about 5.5 kilometers, bringing the total length of the project to (33) kilometers (double lane), in addition to implement a service road with a length of about 1.5 km, three intersections, five animal crossings, and two roundabouts.

The cross-section of the main road and the Salalah bypass road includes two traffic lanes in each direction with a width of 3.65 meters for each lane, an outer shoulder of 2.5 meters, an inner shoulder of 1.5 meters, and a median island of 5.0 meters wide. The project implementation period is expected to be 30 months, starting from the implementation of the works.

With regard to the remaining works of the dual road project from the LNG roundabout to the Bilad Sur roundabout, the ministry indicated that the tender work includes completing the remaining road of the dual road with a length of 3 km to the Bilad Sur roundabout with service roads of 6 km, in addition to protection works on both sides of the road. The scope of work of the project also includes completing the works of installing lighting on the road and construction works such as box culverts and works related to water drainage around the road. With the completion of these works, the dual carriageway will be connected to the Sharqiya Expressway.

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