Third Gulf Forum for Family Policies kicks off in Salalah

Salalah:  The Sultan Qaboos Youth Complex for Culture and Entertainment in Salalah kicked off today the activities of the Third Gulf Forum for Family Policies, entitled “Exercising Responsible Citizenship and Identity in the GCC Countries”, which is organized by the Ministry of Social Development in cooperation with the Executive Office of the Council of Ministers of Social Affairs in the GCC countries. for the Arab Gulf countries, and it will last for three days.

The activities of the forum, which was sponsored by His Excellency Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Rawas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, included a number of working papers presented by a group of experts from the Sultanate of Oman and the GCC countries.

Mohammed bin Humaid Al Kalbani, Director General of the Directorate General of Social Development in Dhofar Governorate, delivered the ministry’s speech, in which he said that the Gulf Forum for Family Policies in its previous edition is a pioneering platform for exchanging experiences and visions between the GCC countries in various fields and policies related to family and society.

He added that the Ministry of Social Development, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, adopted the study of social phenomena and issues and their impact in order to find initiatives and solutions that contribute to mitigating their impact on members of society, especially those that directly affect the family and its cohesion.

Dr. Amer bin Muhammad Al-Hajri, Director General of the Executive Office of the Council of Ministers of Labor and the Council of Ministers of Social Affairs in the GCC countries, delivered a speech in which he said that the forum focuses on the practice of responsible citizenship and identity in the GCC countries, referring to the challenges that negatively affect identity, belonging and citizenship, and the necessity deal with it effectively.

The first day’s program included two dialogue sessions. The first session included three working papers. The first was entitled “The Concept of Citizenship and the Role of Social Policies in Consolidating Responsible Citizenship and Its Impact on Building the Individual, Cohesion and Stability in Society.” The second paper dealt with the concepts of citizenship, identity, cohesion and societal stability, while the third paper dealt with the basics of building an effective and successful family social policy. The second session also reviewed relevant national experiences and initiatives in the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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