Three establishments fined in Oman for violating CPA


The Wilayat of Izki Court of First Instance recently issued convictions and fines against three commercial establishments for violating the Consumer Protection Law and its executive regulations.

The Consumer Protection Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate received a complaint from three consumers stating that after they made an agreement with thee commercial establishments, one of which works in the field of construction and contracting, another in the door and installation sector, and a third one in the kitchen detailing and installation sector.

Regrettably, these establishments failed to honor their commitments regarding the agreed-upon project completion timelines.

Consequently, the disgruntled consumers sought recourse by lodging their complaints with the Consumer Protection Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate.

Efforts to reach an amicable settlement that could satisfy all parties proved fruitless due to the establishments’ non-cooperation. As a result, necessary actions were initiated, culminating in the referral of the complaint to the Public Prosecution for investigation. Subsequently, the case was handed over to the competent authorities.

The court found the establishments guilty of the misdemeanor of failing to provide adequate service to the consumer and issued fines, along with an obligation to cover the expenses of the legal proceedings.

The Consumer Protection Authority strongly encourages all merchants and suppliers to adhere strictly to the provisions outlined in the Consumer Protection Law, its accompanying regulations, and the directives issued by CPA.

It further emphasizes the importance of maintaining transparency and integrity in business practices, while discouraging any form of misleading advertising or false claims when marketing goods and services that consumers rely on.

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