TRA completes trials of early warning service in North Al Batinah


Sohar: The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) carried out actual trials of the early warning service via mobile phones, in cooperation with the Civil Aviation Authority and telecommunications service providers, including a number of wilayats in the Al Batinah North Governorate.

The team participating in early warning service experiments held a meeting with His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Busaidi, Wali of Sohar, Acting Governor of North Al Batinah. To follow up and discuss the mechanism of the team’s work and review the experience, while clarifying a number of important aspects achieved through activating this service that the Authority has adopted with the competent authorities.

During the experiment, warning messages of a specific emergency were sent to the phones of Omantel and Ooredoo subscribers in record time, in accordance with international standards approved in this regard, in the form of custom tones that appear on the phone automatically, and reach subscribers in 4 languages: Arabic, English, Hindi and Urdu.

The authority has warned that the early warning does not require taking any action other than making sure that the message reaches the subscriber by clicking on the link in the content of the warning message.

The authority indicated that those who did not receive the warning messages should notify it via the link published on its Twitter account. Subcommittees were also distributed in various regions of the targeted states to ensure the completion of the process and the arrival of warning messages that are scheduled to reach all subscribers of Omantel and Ooredoo in the states.

It is worth noting that the authority worked earlier on implementing an early warning broadcast service experiment in the governorates of Muscat, Al Sharqiyah South, Dhofar and Musandam, in addition to organizing an awareness campaign, which included a number of radio and press interviews and the publication of video clips in various languages. To familiarize the community with the mechanism to ensure the activation of the early warning broadcast service on mobile phones.

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