Training workshop on filmmaking in Al Dhahirah Governorate

Ibri: The work of the training workshop for cinematographic filmmaking continues in Al Dhahirah Governorate, which comes this season under the title “How to Make Your Own Film”, within the framework of the cultural and youth programs and activities organized by the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth in Al Dhahirah Governorate, and it will last for three months.

Engineer Jamil bin Saeed Al Yaqoubi, a member of the Omani Society for Cinema and Theater and a director of short films, said that such workshops contribute to the advancement of cinematic work and instill a culture of filmmaking among young people, which qualifies them to compete at the local, regional and global levels, stressing the importance of the fields of cinematic filmmaking in highlighting The cultural, tourism, civilization and economic aspects in the Sultanate of Oman, in addition to the need of the global labor market for such cadres in various fields of the motion picture industry sector.

The workshop included a number of theoretical and practical activities that included various explanations about the tools and stages of filmmaking, as well as discussions about the experiences that the participants practiced in the various filmmaking paths. Directing, implementing, engineering sounds, and answering the questions of the participants in the workshop.

The training workshop targets those wishing to hone their skills in the fields of cinematic filmmaking in terms of the basics of filming, directing, and implementing cinematic scenarios and scripts. The first international film was accepted by the youth of the province, which strengthened their competition in the film industry.

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