Two agreements signed to implement construction projects in Sohar

Sohar: Two agreements were signed today in the office of the Governor of Sohar in the North Al Batinah Governorate to implement construction projects in a number of villages in the Sohar Province, with the support of the Oman Chrome Company.

The first agreement included the implementation of a number of construction projects in the village of Al-Farfar, which included establishing a general council for the village, paving, paving and maintaining a number of roads in different locations, in addition to constructing a road ten meters long and two meters wide between the two banks of Wadi Al-Farfar.

While the second agreement came to construct a protection wall in the village of Dhaher Al-Zarub in Halhal Bani Ghaith, with a length of 400 metres, with the installation of a fence with columns on top of the protection wall at a distance of 400 metres.

His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Busaidi, Governor of Sohar, said: The signing of the two agreements comes within the framework of investing in social responsibility through the implementation of projects that serve the local community, which contributes to benefiting from these projects in service sectors that touch public services in a number of villages in the state of Sohar.

His Excellency added, “Under each agreement, the implementation of construction projects in the targeted villages will be followed up according to the timetable agreed upon in the agreement.”

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