Two Omani Film Invited to Kazan International Muslim Film Festival

Muscat: The two Omani films participate; The short novel “Ashes” by director Suleiman Al-Khalili, and the short documentary “You Will Not Dive Alone” by director Fahd Al-Maimani at the activities of the 18th session of the Kazan International Islamic Film Festival in the Republic of Russia, which continues until September 9.

This participation in this festival is the first Omani participation, and the only Gulf participation in the eighth session of the festival in Kazan.

The Kazan International Islamic Film Festival is also considered one of the most important festivals in the Russian Federation and the entire world, and it targets participation from Islamic countries or Muslim filmmakers to show the true face of Islam in tolerance, coexistence and understanding.

The short feature film “Ashes” was written and directed by director Suleiman Al Khalili. It was produced in 2023 with the support of the Omani Cinema Society and was shown on the second day of the festival as part of the short feature film screenings.

The film “Ashes” was chosen to participate in the Bahrain Film Festival and the International Human Rights Film Festival in Morocco during the month of October, and the International Documentary and Short Narrative Film Festival in Morocco during the month of December, and the film’s script won the second prize as the best unexecuted screenplay for the year 2022.

As for the short documentary film, “You Will Not Dive Alone,” directed by Fahd Al-Maimani, it will be shown tomorrow, Thursday, and it deals with the world of the deep seas and oceans, with their mystery and richness, in a charming and dazzling way, as it embraces different lives and unique creatures, in addition to the secrets it hides.

The film also tells the story of the two Omani sailors, Faisal Al-Yazidi and Ahmed Al-Busaidi, and their close relationship with this magical world, as they share their experiences and adventures between land and sea. The film delves into the details of this mysterious world and reveals different worlds under the surface of the water, with scenes that take the audience on an exploratory journey to discover beauty.

The film “You Will Not Dive Alone” won many awards, including two awards at the Al Batinah International Film Festival, and was chosen to participate in many festivals, including the International Environmental Film Festival in the Federal Republic of Russia, and the I.M. Festival. That is, in the United Kingdom, the Saudi Film Festival, and the Chefchaouen International Festival in the Kingdom of Morocco.

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