UTAS Musandam to start first academic year 2023 – 2024 in January

Khasab: The University of Technology and Applied Sciences branch in Musandam Governorate will start its first academic year 2023/2024 in January during the spring semester (second semester), and accepted students will start the foundation year before starting the academic program.

Dr. Saeed bin Hamad Al-Rubaie, President of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, told Oman News Agency (ONA) that the establishment of the university’s branch in the Musandam Governorate comes in compliance with the royal orders of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik regarding the development of Musandam Governorate to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development, and to achieve the objectives of the university aims to develop qualified human resources in various fields to achieve the requirements of sustainable development, and to develop a supportive environment for scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship that contributes to the knowledge industry, building national capabilities, and effective cooperation with various institutions of society.

He added that the project is expected to supply the labor market with outputs that meet the requirements of the comprehensive development plans of specialized human cadres by providing quality educational and training programs that contribute to strengthening national identity and adhering to social values, and provide students with modern knowledge and skills required and renewable for life. and work.

He stated that the university worked to define high-quality specifications at the level of buildings and facilities in line with international standards, and to choose technical and technical equipment for the building’s infrastructure, networks, technologies and equipment to comply with the latest technology and electronic systems that achieve the highest level of smooth and agile management of students’ data, preservation and analysis and processing registration processes and building study schedules and other admission and registration systems, and systems that contribute to managing human resources in the building under construction.

The study will begin for the first phase of the academic year 2023/2024 in the state of Khasab in a temporary building until the completion of the project to build the Musandam branch. As for the education specialization, it includes a first field teacher and a second field teacher. The programs will be offered in three phases. The first includes qualitative programs in modern technologies, advanced management, and preparation of the Omani teacher.

The second phase includes programs including: mechanical engineering, transportation systems engineering, energy systems engineering, construction engineering, building maintenance, and logistics management, in addition to Transport systems management, the third stage includes maritime navigation, marine products processing technology, as well as marine sports management, and marine systems design.

The establishment of a branch of the university in Musandam comes in line with the “Oman Vision 2040” in its priority for education, learning, scientific research and national capabilities that would contribute to supporting the development of technical and applied education in the Sultanate of Oman, which is considered one of the important higher education systems in the Sultanate, which contributes to the preparation of cadres and rehabilitate them with quality and efficiency that meet the needs of the labor market.

The establishment of a branch of the university in the Musandam Governorate as the first branch of a public university in the governorate and to serve the people of the governorate in particular and the rest of the people of the governorates, aims to provide a sustainable educational environment that contributes to the development of various sectors such as the logistics sector in which the governorate forms an important pillar in it due to its strategic location overlooking the Strait of Hormuz, in addition to What the presence of a public university in the governorate will provide in terms of developing the economic and tourism system and providing an appropriate environment for learning and scientific research.

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