UTAS-Shinas organises information technology research symposium

Shinas: The University of Technology and Applied Sciences in Shinas today organized the “Information Technology Research Symposium for Students” in its third edition, with the aim of focusing on scientific research in the world of technology and related matters, with international participation via video communication.

The symposium targeted 135 male and female students from various universities and colleges in the field of information technology in the Sultanate of Oman and India. , and artificial intelligence,” in addition to many topics that contributed to everything new in these areas, which were applied and used in health, information protection, education, energy, and agriculture.

Amina bint Salem Al Jabriya, Head of the Information Technology Department at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Shinas Branch, told Oman News Agency: The symposium discussed 50 research papers from various educational institutions. in various fields of science and technology, in addition to encouraging students to participate and compete.

The event concluded by honoring the three best research papers in various information technology topics.

Participated in the symposium from the Sultanate of Oman, the University of Technology and Applied Sciences with its branches (Shinas, Salalah, Ibri and Sohar) and from India (Bishop Heber University, Gandhigram University, Shrist University and Jain University).

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