Various activities during third week of Al Wusta Summer 2023

Haima: Al Wusta Summer 2023 activities continue in their third week through Haima station in the city center, where the activities varied between service, entertainment and cultural activities.

Suleiman bin Salem Al Mahrouqi, Wali of Haima, Chairman of the Main Committee for Al Wusta Summer Events 2023, said: The activities of the second week began with a number of recreational and cultural programs and activities, including theater events, and includes a number of daily activities, including competitions for children and adults, and a poetry evening performed by a number of poets.

A resident of Al-Wusta Governorate, and a number of talents were displayed during weekdays as part of theater activities. In the desert corner, the Omani Women’s Association presented a number of daily activities targeting young and old, including: folk games and teaching children some ancient life practices.

He added that the activities of the third week varied between artistic and Bedouin sessions for the elderly, and a review of how to extract milk derivatives in the traditional way. Visitors to the activities of the Haima station reached more than 3,300 visitors until the middle of the third week, from the people of the governorate and its workers in the public and private sectors, in addition to visitors Khareef Dhofar from inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman who have benefited from the existing activities and services available at this station, which mediates the road between Muscat and Salalah.

It is worth noting that the activities of Al-Wusta Summer 2023 continue in its third week, and are accompanied by the launch of a series of Arab camel races in the various wilayats of Al-Wusta Governorate, the first of which is the camel race in the Wilayat of Mahut, which will start tomorrow, Thursday, within the system of programs prepared for the activities of Al-Wusta Summer 2023.

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