Wadi Dayqah Dam To Open Gates To Release 15 million cubic meters of water

Wadi Dayqah dam
Wadi Dayqah dam

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Water Resources (MAFWR) has announced the opening of the gates of Wadi Dayqah Dam to discharge around 15 million cubic meters of water.

The opening is scheduled for Sunday, June 11, 2023, and the aim is to feed the groundwater reservoirs of farms in the Daghmar and Hail Al Ghaf areas.

The ministry stated that the dam is approximately 75 meters high with a storage capacity of around 100 million cubic meters, and urged citizens to stay away from the valley and follow safety instructions.

It is worth noting that Wadi Dayqah is located in the farms area in the Wilayat of Qurayyat, and it is located close to the city of Muscat, as it is 90 km away from the roundabout of Wadi Uday. The stream extends from the Wilayat of Dima and Al-Tayyin in the north of Al-Sharqiyah Governorate, and its mouth ends at the Wilayat of Qurayyat in the Governorate of Muscat, and it is considered one of the ever-flowing valleys.

Wadi Dayqah Dam is the largest dam in the Sultanate of Oman, and it consists of two dams: a main dam, with a height of 75 meters, and the second dam is a side dam, with a height of 48.5 meters, and the dam contains a tower with a height of 77.5 meters, and this tower drains water As for the dam lake, its length is 8 km.

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