Wildlife Monitoring in Buraimi using camera traps

Al Buraimi: The Environment Department Specialists in the Al Buraimi Governorate are making efforts to monitor wildlife, using many devices, foremost of which are the trap camera and the thermal camera.

It is distributed in its plains, mountains and valleys, in addition to its golden sands. Muhammad bin Salem Al-Balushi, an environmental systems specialist in the Environment Department in Al-Buraimi Governorate, said that what distinguishes wildlife is that some of them are active during the day and others are active at night, and this requires more effort to monitor the various details associated with them, especially since some species are difficult to spot because they ran away towards the mountains when he sensed movement in the place from people.

He added that the trap camera and the thermal camera contributed greatly to monitoring the various details of these components at different times, especially since some of them were classified as endangered animals. He explained that among the most prominent animals that were monitored were the Arabian tahr (Arabian ibex), the Arabian deer, the mountain fox, the red fox, and the wild cat, for which a trap camera was placed in a tree to monitor it, and there is also a group of wild rabbits and many types of birds.

Al-Balushi indicated that the roles of the trap camera were not limited to monitoring wildlife only, but they also perform the task of monitoring and monitoring any human transgression in those places, through which they can know their violating movements, in addition to its important role in collecting various data that enables them to benefit from it in studies. Environmental and evaluation of projects related to the construction of roads or the establishment of quarries, and thus the protection of the components of wildlife in that region.

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