‘Winter Nights Festival’ kicks off on Tuesday 29th Nov

Muscat: The “Winter Nights Festival” set to begin on Tuesday at the Al Mouj Golf Arena. The festival aims to market the products of small and medium enterprises and craftsmen, enhance their sales, and strengthen partnerships and communication between small and medium enterprises.

( Location – Al Mouj Golf Area) Starts from 29th November 2022 to 3rd December 2022 – Time 4:00 pm to 12:00 am).

It also aims to highlight talents, provide attractive entertainment options, and promote the culture of acquiring Omani products. The festival includes a variety of activities and virtual game carts, in addition to 100 outlets for consumer and food products and 25 mobile food carts.

The five-day festival will be accompanied by a group of artistic and theatrical performances, including puppet theatre, sand painting and face painting, in addition to presenting various paragraphs for different ages in drawing, creative handicrafts and other interactive art shows.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises from various sectors, including the perfume industry, food, fashion, innovative industries, renewable energy and creative handicraft industries, as well as owners of mobile vehicles, are participating in the festival.

It is worth noting that the festival – organized by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority – is one of the economic stimulus initiatives for small and medium enterprises announced by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Authority in line with the fifth goal of the strategic objectives of the tenth five-year development plan (2021-2025), which refers to stimulating Economic activity in partnership with the private sector and supporting the role of small and medium enterprises.

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