With the support from the Honourable Lady, Oman’s Handicapped Children Association Receives Set of Buses

Muscat: Her Highness the Honourable Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi, Spouse of the Sultan of Oman has offered backing to the Association for the Welfare of the Handicapped Children (AWHC) in the form of buses to provide two-way transportation for AWHC children or those wishing to join the association or benefit from its services.

The Honourable Lady’s backing seeks to empower the AWHC and enable it to pursue its humanitarian activities. It provides support for children with disability by offering them easy access to the AWHC’s services and programmes. The gesture also aims to alleviate the suffering of parents and spare them the hardship of transporting the children to and from the AWHC centres.

Meanwhile, HH Assayida Hujaija Jaifer Al Said, AWHC Chairwoman, valued the Honourable Lady’s keenness to have handicapped children get access to high standard services that they deserve.

She pointed out that the support offered by the Honourable Lady “stems from constant concern for segments of society. It is an evidence of the care accorded by Honourable Lady to handicapped children to qualify them to become active members in their community and capable of handling different situations in their own personal lives”, she said.

“This notable support will add value to families of the beneficiaries and remove the burdens that prevent the parents from bringing their handicapped children to the AWHC,” HH Assayida Hujaija explained.

She added that board members and affiliates of the Association express their best sentiments of thanks and appreciation to the Honourable Lady for the great material and moral support.

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