Work continues to develop Ain Al Thowarah

Work continues on the project to develop Ain Al-Thowarah, which is being implemented by Nakhal Al-Ahlia Company under the supervision of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism and the Office of the Governor of South Al-Batinah, by carrying out spatial preparation work for the site and paving construction areas according to specifications that take into account the environmental conditions surrounding the Al-Ain site and provide environmental sustainability.

Eng. Saif bin Sulaiman Al Hadhrami, CEO of Nakhal National Company, said: The development of this project is of added value and contributes to the development of the tourism and economic work system in the Al Batinah South Governorate in general and the Wilayat of Nakhal in particular.

He added: The implementation period of the project is 12 months, and we hope to complete it before the specified date in April 2024. The project includes the development of a group of lands close to the Al Ain stream, the expansion of public parking spaces, as well as the establishment of an educational area, a games area, cafes, areas designated for sessions, and the establishment of toilets on site, adding that the project Ain Al-Thowarah is one of the projects that Nakhl Al-Ahlia Investment Company is working on, among several other upcoming projects. We have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism in order to invest and operate Nakhal Fort. We have worked on developing Nakhl Market, and we hope to start establishing a tourist resort and hotel in the state during this time. general.

For his part, Khalifa bin Salem Al-Shibli from the state of Sohar says that he visited the site of Ain Al-Thowarah 15 years ago, and this is the second time he has visited it. Many tourist services.

Ain Al Thowarah Park in the Wilayat of Nakhl in the Governorate of South Al Batinah witnesses an active tourist movement, especially on holidays and various occasions.

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