Workshop on green and sustainable finance kicks off in Muscat

Muscat: A workshop on green and sustainable finance was held at Al Wahahat Club in Muscat today, within the activities of Oman-UK Strategic Advisory Group.

Nassir Khamis Al Jashmi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and Supervisor of the National Program for Fiscal Balance stressed Oman’s commitment to the goals of reaching zero neutrality in 2050 and preparing the legislative environment to achieve this by establishing a strategy to develop financial and investment tools for the financial and banking sector with the participation of government institutions, government companies and the private sector. The goal, said Al Jashmi, will be also achieved through adherence to the standards and practices of tripartite governance, including environmental, social and governance.

On his turn, James Goldman, UK Deputy Ambassador to Oman explained that the advisory group is a platform for exchanging experiences and ideas and building technical and economic partnerships, noting that more workshops will be held on topics to be agreed upon by the Omani and British sides.

The workshop touched on the basic rules, components and benefits of green financing, in addition to reviewing a number of experiences and expertise in the field of green financing. It also discussed the next steps to build a green and sustainable financing strategy.

Dr. Khamis Saif Al Jabri, Chairman of Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit and representatives of government and private institutions took part in the workshop. – ONA

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