Youth training programs attract more than 200 participants in Al Dhahirah Governorate

Ibri: The training programs implemented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in Al Dhahirah Governorate continue, as the sixth station targets 235 participants from various wilayats of Al Dhahirah Governorate. This contributes to discovering and developing their skills and abilities in various fields, providing them with the necessary advice, and providing spaces for dialogue commensurate with the requirements of the next stage.

The programs aim to provide developmental and training programs for community members in all areas of life, and to work on refining and enhancing the individual skills of the community in a way that contributes to creating a community that includes creative individuals with different experiences to benefit themselves and their community.

The training program targets families, parents, university and college students, and those interested in the areas in which the training workshops specialize.

The program also includes courses in cinematic make-up, drafting news in the media, preparing actors, as well as specialized courses in editing, design and communication skills, in addition to a workshop on writing short stories and Arabic calligraphy.

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