MHD ACERE Auto Expert Opens One More Outlet in Dhofar

Advanced Auto Care for Those Who Desire More from Their Vehicle

December 2022:  Oman’s leading automotive business entity MHD ACERE inaugurated a second branch of Auto Expert in the Dhofar Governorate, its third one in Oman. MHD ACERE Auto Expert is a trusted name in vehicle care for offering advanced technology in auto diagnostics and services with a team of highly-trained technicians and dedicated customer-care personnel. The well-stocked service centres also feature an extensive range of global brands, in car care and off-road accessories. MHD ACERE Auto Expert’s other branches are in Salalah (Dhofar) and Azaiba (Muscat).

People desire more from their vehicle, be it improved look or performance. Auto Expert is well-equipped to handle the demands and challenges when it comes to meeting customer expectations, both individual and fleet customers. Assuring quality services at cost-effective prices, the facility offers customization, smart repairs, accident repairs, periodic maintenance and service.

Mohsin Hani Al Bahrani, CEO of MHD ACERE, expressed his views on the occasion, “When a nation is growing exponentially, the infrastructure follows suit resulting in an overall spike in the needs of the transportation, be it personal or public. Auto Expert was born to address the rising demands of quality vehicle care and thorough maintenance – with a state-of-the-art facility for diagnosis, an array of global products and top-notch service offered by expert, dedicated staff. We believe the second branch in Dhofar would enable us to focus and serve the region even better. Our timely investment in technology and a trained team would prove to be an opportunity to deliver affordable vehicle care, be it on road or off the road, to our customers beyond their expectations.”

Uncompromised performance that boosts the power of a car often comes with an understanding of the right part. At Auto Expert, the technicians will hand-pick the air intake and exhaust systems, body kits, tuners, superchargers, etc. The Car Care division offers full-house car care solutions like a wash, polishing and professional detailing for car owners, enthusiasts and fleets. Tinting and paint protection is a must with the scorching summers in the region. Low-quality tinting jobs can interfere with a vehicle’s navigation and tend to bubble or change colour within a few months, causing damage to the glass surface. The Paint Protection services use the top-quality international brand Chameleon, professionally applied by paint protection film experts at Auto Expert. This protects the paint from rocks, bugs, stones, sand, harsh weather, keys, salt, rings and other elements. An automotive workshop is where magic can happen if it is in the right hands. Auto Expert mechanics are extremely experienced in the areas of modifications and auto engineering including electrical, software, and safety systems.

The off-road parts business is a booming industry by itself, the world over. This is also an area of speciality at the Auto Expert. Beginners in off-road adventures to seasoned auto enthusiasts seek quality and affordable high-end products or even an upgrade of their 4×4 vehicle. With the right modifications, 4×4 vehicles can go beyond terrain supremacy and offer the utmost performance, comfort and reliability. The Auto Expert out­let provides 4×4 accessories from Iron­man such as rooftop tents, can­op­ies, port­able freez­ers, winches, recov­ery equipment, pro­tect­ive bars, light­ing and elec­trical upgrades; car care treat­ment products from AutoGlym for com­plete res­tor­a­tion and many other global brands for Nano Ceramic and Graphene coat­ing. Auto Expert facil­ity will also provide and install world-class tyres and batteries under its roof.

The major car care ser­vices offered at Auto Expert include Sched­uled Main­ten­ance Ser­vi­cing, Stand­ard Check­point ser­vice, AC per­form­ance test, Sys­tem pres­sure check, etc. The facil­ity also provides Engine Dia­gnostic Ser­vice, Brake Sys­tem (Front & Rear), Engine Tune-Up, Transmis­sion Flush etc. Motor Value Added Ser­vices cover cleaning the de-car­bon fuel injector, fuel rail, upper intake and intake valves and car­bon in a com­bus­tion cham­ber, engine oil flush­ing, power steer­ing flush­ing etc.

Whether a customer needs to equip their entire fleet with winches, improve the vehicle’s airflow with an exhaust, upgrade the 4×4 for wilder terrains, do a full service, major repair work or just a routine check, the MHD ACERE Auto Expert has earned repute as the one-stop-shop.

To know the entire range of automotive products and services from MHD ACERE Auto Expert, visit the Website:

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