Nissan signs 200 billion yen green loan for zero emission mobility investments

YOKOHAMA, Japan – (21 December, 2022) Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. signed a 200 billion yen syndicated green loan agreement arranged by Mizuho Bank. Nissan will utilize the loan to support its clean mobility and related projects to progress its long-term electrification and carbon neutrality ambitions. The loan contract period will be five and seven years.

As the first funds raised since launching the Nissan Sustainable Finance Framework in July, the company is deepening its investment program in electrification. Loan proceeds will fund eligible green projects defined in the framework, such as R&D, investments and expenditures for the design, development, and manufacturing of zero-emission vehicles and components for electric vehicles or other future carbon- neutral initiatives.

With a second-party review conducted by Sustainalytics, Nissan has aligned its framework with the Green Bond Principle 2021, Social Bond Principle 2021, Sustainability Bond Guideline 2021, Green Loan Principle 2021, and Social Loan Principle 2021.

As a pioneer in electric vehicles, Nissan is accelerating electrification and technological innovation to enhance zero emission and clean mobility. Nissan seeks to empower journeys and society with a range of electrified vehicles of high value to customers.

The signing of the green loan represents the latest initiative that positions sustainability at the core of Nissan’s business, reflecting its corporate purpose of “Driving innovation to enrich people’s lives.” As Nissan becomes a truly sustainable business, the company aims to realize a cleaner, safer and more inclusive world.

Loan overview

Borrower Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Amount 200 billion yen
Arranger Mizuho Bank
Co-arranger MUFG Bank
Lenders Mizuho Bank, MUFG Bank, and other financial institutions
Effective date November 30, 2022
Contract period Five and seven years



  • Further information on the Nissan Sustainable Finance Framework here
  • Sustainalytics review here
  • *Formulated by the Loan Market Association and the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association in March 2018, and international guidelines for finance only to use proceeds for green projects. In December 2018, the Loan Syndications and Trading Association has also joined GLP.


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