Google doodle celebrates Emirati poet Ousha Al Suwaidi

Muscat: Google doodle features a beautiful, almost magical illustration of an Emirati Woman on the search window screen. 

Google said, Today’s Doodle celebrates Ousha bint Khalifa Al Suwaidi, also know as Ousha Al Suwaidi (Ousha the poet), who is considered one of the greatest Nabati poets of the 20th century. Abu Dhabi-based guest artist Reem Al mazrouei illustrated the Doodle of the Emirati Poet. 

Ousha Al Suwaidi was born in Al Ain on January 1, 1920. She grew up surrounded by poetry, in a family that loved literature. The nation grew to recognise her as a powerful poet, whose work touched upon themes such as love, wisdom, patriotism, and nostalgia. Her writing was inspired by the desert landscapes and culture around which she built her life.

Dubai-based artist Reem Al Mazrouei pays tribute to the Emirati poet with a beautiful illustration, hinting at the themes of the subject’s poetry. Google released early drafts of her doodle, showing her thought process and the elements she wanted to incorporate into her illustration. Some of these are palm trees, the desert, paper, and the moon.

Ousha Al Suwaidi is celebrated for paving the way for Arab poets, having succeeded in a traditionally male-dominated field. Her poems have been adapted into songs by popular singers for people to enjoy her beautiful descriptions of Emirati culture and the UAE.

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