Oman marks Day of the Seafarer 2023

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, is participating with the member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the maritime community in celebrating the International Day of the Seafarer, which was approved by the organization to be on the 25th of June of each year, and this year it came under the slogan “The role of seafarers in protecting the marine environment.”

The celebration comes in appreciation of the sailors’ efforts in advancing global trade and the challenges they face during their sea voyages in order to transport the world’s needs of energy, food commodities and all kinds of other goods.

On this day is a recognition of the unique contribution that seafarers from around the world make to international maritime trade, the global economy and civil society as a whole, and the challenges that seafarers face in carrying out their daily tasks on board merchant ships, and what they are exposed to by spending long periods of their careers at sea away from their family and friends.

The Sultanate, represented by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, pays attention to the affairs of seafarers. During the first half of this year, it conducted more than 85 oral and 96 written exams for seafarers applying for a certificate of eligibility and a certificate of competency. It also issued more than 357 marine documents for seafarers, according to requirements. local and international regulations in this regard.

In order to strengthen bilateral relations in the maritime field with the brotherly and friendly country, the Sultanate of Oman attracts students wishing to study navigation and marine engineering to the Sultanate of Oman and opens new horizons for holders of an Omani qualification certificate to work in the maritime transport companies of those countries.

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