Oman Strives to Accelerate the Pace of Hydrogen Production

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman has been laying emphasis on the sustainability of natural resources and utilizing clean energy such as wind and solar power to produce electricity.

Oman also strives to accelerate the pace of hydrogen production, as it is investing more than USD 30 billion for this purpose.

Dr. Ghazi Ali Al Rowas, Dean of Research at Sultan Qaboos University and member of the Steering Committee for Climate Change in the Sultanate of Oman, explained that the policies pursued by Oman to reach zero carbon neutrality by 2050 ensure the preservation of the environment and the reduction of gaseous emissions. He affirmed that the national efforts in using clean energy and the huge investments in green hydrogen complement the global endeavours to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases that lead to major changes in the climate.

He said that Oman’s participation in the UN Climate Summit “COP28”, which will be held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, will highlight the national efforts to reduce climate change, noting that the participation comes under the slogan “Oman is a Sustainable Future”.

On his turn, Dr. Said Mohammed Al Sarmi, Climate Affairs Expert at the Environment Authority, member of the Steering Committee for Climate Change in the Sultanate of Oman, pointed out that the past decade witnessed several climate changes, including the increase in tropical cyclones and their effects on Oman. He added that temperatures also rose around the world and fluctuations occurred in rainfall amounts. Therefore, a clear national plan has been devised for either mitigation or adaptation in order to reduce the damage from climate change, noted Dr. Said.

He affirmed that the upcoming climate summit will be a decisive event for a global review of all efforts made to achieve the Paris climate change goals.

It is worth noting that the Sultanate of Oman will participate during 30 November to 12 December in the World Climate Summit and the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement on climate change. During its participation, Oman will have a pavilion set in the exhibition accompanying the summit. – ONA

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