Video: Boy falls asleep playing hide and seek in Bangladesh, wakes up in Malaysia

A teenager playing hide-and-seek at the Chittagong port in Bangladesh accidentally traveled to Malaysia after falling asleep then getting locked inside a container during the game.

Identified as Fahim, the boy traveled over 3,000 kilometers to Port Klang over six days without food and water.

The 15-year-old was found by Malaysian port authorities on January 17, dehydrated and “crying” for food, according to a Daily Mail report on Friday.

His health is stable and is recovering at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital for treatment, the report said.

Port staff initially made the discovery after they heard knocking from inside the container where Fahim made the journey.

In videos circulating on the internet, the young boy was seen walking out of the container, frail and confused, after the unplanned week-long journey. It is not clear how the boy survived without food and water.

He is seen communicating with Malaysian authorities before being put on a stretcher.

“There was no foul play in the incident,” Assistant Commissioner of Police Cha Hoong Fong was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

Minister of Home Affairs Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail said Malaysia was in the process of repatriating him speaking to the local media.

“We are not linking this to human trafficking because the initial investigation found that he entered the container, fell asleep, and (was transported to) Malaysia,” the British Daily quoted the minister as saying.

Fahim is reportedly being processed by immigration to return home on the same vessel.

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