Elderly, Children not allowed in Oman mosques as it reopens doors from Sunday

mosques in oman
mosques in oman

Muscat: The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, His Excellency Muhammad Al-Maamari, said that we are still in the stage of the spread of the epidemic and the Supreme Committee is pursuing gradual reopening of mosques, as about 3000 mosques will be opened in the first phase, which represents approximately 30% of the total mosques in the Sultanate, stressing that the government relies on awareness. The community hugely.

His Excellency stated in a statement to Oman TV said, those who are under 12 years and over 65 years old are not allowed to enter mosques, stressing that if any mosque does not adhere to the measures and procedures in the guidebook, it will be closed to preserve people’s lives And public health

His Excellency explained that all that can be done in the mosque currently is only to perform the obligatory prayers, and all other activities such as the Holy Quran episodes are suspended.


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