GCC Financial, Economic Cooperation Committee Holds Meeting in Muscat

Muscat: The GCC Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee today held its 119th meeting at Muscat under the chairmanship of Sultan Salim Al Habsi, Minister of Finance.

The meeting dealt with several topics related to joint financial and economic cooperation and the GCC Common Market.

Al Habsi underscored in his speech the importance of unifying efforts and boosting joint GCC economic action in a bid to achieve the desired economic integration.

He also reiterated the importance of facilitating the activation of financial and economic agreements signed between GCC states to press ahead with achieving goals that enhance economic and social development.


On his turn, Jassim Mohammed Al Budaiwi, Secretary General of the GCC, expressed his appreciation for the Sultanate of Oman’s support and care to the march of joint GCC action.

He also expressed his gratitude for Oman’s efforts in promoting GCC cooperation to achieve further integration in different spheres. Moreover, the meeting discussed a number of submitted proposals and took necessary decisions. -ONA

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