Oman Airports announces opening air traffic for international flights

Image Credit: twitter @OmanAirports
Image Credit: twitter @OmanAirports

Muscat: The Oman Airports welcomed the decision of the Supreme Committee to discuss the mechanism of dealing with developments resulting from the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), for reopening air traffic for International flights starting from October 1, 2020.

The authority confirmed its readiness to carry out its tasks according to the approved operating plans.

It continues to follow up the implementation of the protocols issued by it for aviation health and safety at the Sultanate’s airports and on board the aircraft arriving and departing from it, which started since last June, noting that relevant updates will be issued in coordination with the Ministry of Health in accordance with health and safety requirements and operational levels.

In a statement Oman Airports announcement on Monday

Within the framework of travel procedures issued by the supreme committee for dealing with COVID-19 and recommendation by the Civil Aviation Authority, we would like to inform our valued passengers that the air traffic for international flights will be resumed starting from Thursday, October 1st, 2020.

We recommend that all passengers comply with the prevention measures announced by the Ministry of Health and the concerned authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and to check the airline’s website for any flights information or updates before heading to the airport.

May God bless our beloved Oman and the rest of the world and keep everybody safe from all harm.

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